Educational Institutions

Delivering peace of mind.

PolyVeo's We know that having a choice matters when it comes to deciding on the best technology investment for your instution. There are varying factors that weigh on the decision before making a purchase, from user preferences and customization needs to cost considerations and the size of your instution.

Our products facilitate collaboration and communication across all stakeholder groups, be it schools, districts, administrators, teachers, parents or students. Whether you are interested in a performance analysis dashboard for your district, a web-based parent portal or an online grade book for teachers, using our solutions help you to address the challenges of achievement, reporting, growth and scalability.

Products & Services

PolyVeo's IT services focus on creating a strategy based on client-specific business priorities and opportunities:

VEO-School (more)

VEO-Student (more)

VEO-EMAIL (more)

VEO-IPPBX (more)

VEO-Storage (more)

VEO-CMS: Course Management System

VEO-LMS: Learning Management System

VEO-VLE: Virtual Learning Environment

Cyber Security

Cloud Computing

Storage: 1600 TB +